Friday, January 17, 2014

Save car ird party insurance

Less sell new cars and more old cars on the roads. As a result, increased the insurance to third parties, which are cheaper. Are you going to hire a third party insurance for your car? We tell you how.
The economic crisis and the reduction of new passenger car registrations in Spain has also gone to the insurers.What I have noticed over these companies is hiring retail insurance against all risks , which are more expensive.
Many drivers who have decided to save costs by reducing your coverage in car insurance. According to data obtained by, car insurance comparison , the change from full insurance Compulsory one-or third-Responsibility can help save up to 183 euros a year , a significant amount we can invest in other things .

Lower the price of third party insurance

It is estimated that since the economic crisis began, the price has fallen 17% . For example, if in 2007 a ​​new third party insurance contract had a cost of 359 euros per year, at present we can cost 296 euros. In recent years the price of policies has declined.
Why this decline? It is mainly due to two factors: the decline in car accident rates, which have fallen in recent years, and the emergence of new companies car insurance nontraditional have led to increased competition among insurers and therefore you have to adjust prices.

Tips for hiring a car insurance to third

The liability insurance Obligatori a, commonly known as third party insurance, sub damage in an accident by the driver or car owner to third parties. But does not cover damage to the vehicle itself. Insurers also offer variants like insurance third party insurance with moons, theft or roadside assistance.
Remember to compare car insurance before hiring , you will ensure you the best price for your risk profile. Then study well what each company offers.
When hiring a car insurance to third parties, it is desirable to know what coverages are purchasing . Depending on your requirements avoids paying for dispensable toppings such as glass, locks, license withdrawal cheaper ... The less coverage, you will. Rate It depending on the age of the vehicle and how you use it to go to.
There are companies that also offer the form of 'Pay as drive' . Premium is set based on the driving parameters obtained through a GPS that is installed in the car.
Another option is to hire a full insurance but duty . Should be guilty of accident also cover damage the car itself but with the disadvantage that the insured will always pay the price agreed deductible.